Facelift Procedure

As we grow older, we all experience the breakdown of the collagen that provides structure to our face. This happens faster in some people than it does in others, however we all will experience this at some time. When this happens, we’ll begin to notice fine lines and wrinkles forming on our faces, around our eyes, nose, neck and other areas.

Today, the Thermage Facelift procedure has become the answer to many of these problems by stimulating the growth of new collagen. The popular procedure reduces wrinkles and renews facial contours and is achieved without any surgery, and very little downtime on the patients part. The most common benefits of using the Thermage Facelift procedure is achieving tighter skin and renewing your natural facial contouring. This procedure can smooth out wrinkles, leaving you with a more radiant and younger looking appearance. The Thermage Facelift procedure can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on how large of an area being treated. The Thermage Facelift procedure has been referred to as the “lunch hour facelift”, allowing the patient to return to work looking like a new person and feeling good inside also. Thermage is performed by trained and certified physicians in their medical offices. Check the Yellow Pages or go online to find the nearest Thermage physician to you.

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