SilkPeel Vitamin Dermal Infusion

SilkPeel is one of the newest advanced skin care treatments.  The easiest way to get an understanding of anything new is to compare it to something you already may know.  So for starters we could compare it to microdermabrasion.  However it is so far superior to that it is almost an insult to make that comparison. Microdermabrasion leaves you messy, SilkPeel is called the Black tie treatment because you can go straight out because it “vacuums” vs “sandblasting”  SilkPeel also infuses vitamins or acne treatments while it cleans, all in one pass. Microdermabrasion often leaves uneven red marks, SilkPeel uses diamond brushes for a smooth clean finish. Check out before and afters for SilkPeel for acne. ( you have t scroll down a bit) It really is one of the most popular, effective treatments that has become a real “crowd pleaser”. Everyone loves it.

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