No today there are many procedure that solve the problems of aging eyes . Just be sure and go to a reputable Doctor. Our Dr. Lisa Zdinak is a Ophthalmic plastic surgeon. She has advanced training in procedures involving the eyelids, the eyebrows, and their surrounding structures.

The following problems can be corrected by Dr. Zdinak

Upper eyelid and lower eyelid “bags” [Upper Eyelid 1. eyesBlepharoplasty/Transconjunctival Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty]

Drooping Eyelids [Ptosis Repair]2.eyes

Surgical Eyebrow Lift [Internal Browpexy]3-eyes-total-lids

Surgical Correction of Eyelid Shape [Lateral Canthopexy]4-eyes-blephupfema2

CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing of the Eyelids5-eyes

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My wife comes home almost every evening from her job at the fitness center, talking about some of her customers who try and try but just can’t seem to lose those extra bulges, both men and women. I told her she should tell them about Thermage and its many procedures for just those types of people. They’re not way over weight, and not fat, but just need some streamlining and contouring. The Thermage Body Procedures are non invasive, so there are no knives and you are right back on your schedule usually the following day. Thermage is one among many non-invasive, nonsurgical skin treatments used to tighten skin and give a more youthful look without the costs, pain and long recovery time of surgery. Thermage is FDA approved and only performed by a certified physician in his offices. Look in your local Yellow Pages for a physician near you, and get your customers in there to get some body contouring help.

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Thermage body contouring is a revolutionary and fairly new procedure which will firm and shape the body with just one Thermage treatment and without surgery or injections with no downtime. The procedure also works with cellulite problems, and on all colors of skin. It is FDA approved and only certified and trained physicians can do these procedures. No Knives and no surgery, no fillers, all done fast and with little or no pain and in one session. Many satisfied patients are seeing results like: tightening/ lifting/firming of knees and buttocks, significant reduction of waistline area, thighs and arms, flatter and smoother skin on the tummy and legs.

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With summer over now and winter ahead of us, many are pondering how to get ourselves back into decent shape and vowing to start watching our diets more carefully and Body Thermage is a great way to start. Non invasive and FDA approved, Thermage Procedures are great for those unwanted wrinkles around the eyes and neck, the bulges on the tummy and legs, and even cellulite problems. No anesthetics, no knives, just great results. The Thermage Procedures are becoming more and more popular across the nation and its no wonder why. There is no down time and most people return to normal activities the same day or the day following their Thermage treatment. All procedures are done in a certified physicians office. Look in your yellow pages for a certified physician in your area.

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