While at my gym doing my daily, and almost un-noticeable daily-after-work workout routine, I could not help but notice how hard some of the guys worked at the equipment, with little positive results shown. I’ve belonged to this gym now for about 10 months and have made some friends and know where some of us started and have watched the progress on some and total lack of any positive results on others over this period. I cant help but think that many of these guys would be good patients for trying the ‘Thermage Stomach’ Procedure’ that is so popular now. ba_30_beforeba_30_after

The ‘Thermage Stomach Procedure’ is especially designed for those who are not real over-weight, but maybe just carrying some extra flab around the middle, or on the legs and arms. What’s really great is that there is little down time and your right back doing what you please fast and you will see the
positive results right away.

Before After
After the procedure, some patients report a noticeable smaller waist, looser fitting clothing and skin that feels firmer and tighter with improved tone.
You will notice smoother skin texture also. Many patients see noticeable reductions in deep wrinkles and healthier skin texture. After treatment, some patients that had been suffering from stretch-marks, say their stretch marks are less noticeable and much smoother. In general, patients with mild to moderate skin sagging experience some contouring and lifting almost immediately. Immediate results are visible and usually continue to improve for up to six months. The ‘Thermage Procedure’ is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from everyday activities. Unlike lasers, the procedure can be performed on patients of all skin colors. I’ve told several of my gym buddies about this great FDA approved procedure and many are trying it and liking the results. These procedures can only be performed by a certified physician in his office. Its safe, fast and you can see speedy results. And, there is no knives or surgery involved. What more can you ask for?

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Hi everyone,
Now that we are survived this arctic blast, well we kind of have, it is 34 today! Lets talk about combating Dry, Winter Skin.face1

The basics.

Eat a balanced diet, Plus vitamins that are good for the skin such as our Genetiskin line.
Use a good moisturizer day and night, we recommended Ultraceuticals Ultra Rich Moisturiser Cream
Get enough sleep
Stay hydrated
Avoid UV-We suggest Lumixyl Moisture Lock Sunscreen SPF30
Do not smoke

Now on to our winter care:
1.)Take tepid showers. As good as it feels, a hot, steamy shower will make your dry skin worse.
2.) Sunscreen saver: Use sun screen all year long. We suggest Lumixyl Moisture Lock Sunscreen SPF30
3.) Switch to milder cleansers and richer moisturizers; such as
Ultraceuticals Ultra Rich Moisturiser Cream, The cold weather along with inside heating dry out your skin more quickly, so help it out with a creamier lotion.
4.) Exfoliate less
5.) One way to create a smooth canvas to apply your face makeup is to use a face primer.

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This has become an annual affair for us. For the 8th year in a row, we at Precision Aesthetics have been awarded the Thermage Black Diamond.

This is their highest recognition as a provider of their skin tightening and body shaping treatments on can receive.

We at Precision Aesthetics are proud to have won the Thermage Black Diamond Award for eight years in a row.

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It is winter and we bundle up in our coats, sweaters and heaver pants. But we forget to use of sp 30 lotion. BIG MISTAKE. Regardless of the temperature or time of year, the sun emits ultraviolet (UV) rays, a type of invisible radiation that can harm our skin and lead to premature aging or skin cancer. So we need to always wear a sunscreen and it should be reapplied at least every two hours, and sooner if sweating or swimming.

A 35-year-old melanoma survivor agrees to share photos that Dellavalle’s team took comparing her skin under normal light and ultraviolet light. (Credit: University of Colorado Cancer Center)
A 35-year-old melanoma survivor agrees to share photos that Dellavalle’s team took comparing her skin under normal light and ultraviolet light.
(Credit: University of Colorado Cancer Center)

It doesn’t matter if it is cloudy or sunny sunscreen should be worn any time the skin is exposed to the sun. And wear a good quality of sunscreen such as Lumixyl, available at Precision Aesthetics New York.

Call 212 799 1411
Anytime including nights and weekends.

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It ceases to amaze me that even after years of being warned about the damaging effects of sun rays on the skin, people are still not protecting themselves against these rays. Especially when there is a great products such as Lumixyl Moisture Lock Sunscreen SPF 30 that will protect your skin. And do not think just because winter is upon us, that you are safe from the sun rays. And as we all know, the reflection of the sun on snow can be quite damaging. Skin protection is a year round concern.

Besides all of the obvious benefits of Lumixyl MoistureLock Sunscreen, one of the wonderful features of this high quality sunscreen goes on invisibly and acts more like a moisturizer, than a sun block. Which means you can use it as an under makeup moisturizer.

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How many of us are finding it more and more difficult to fall asleep at night, and stay asleep? When this happens most of us blame it on some sort of stress, or find some other excuse to blame it on. Yes, in fact we all get stressed out over money problems, work, traffic, relationships, kids, and for many other reasons. But stress isn’t the only cause of not being able to fall asleep at night.

For many years, we have been aware of the positive role that the hormone Melatonin plays in our lives, especially when it comes to the subject of what Melatonin contributes to us being able to get a good nights sleep. In addition to it being used to ease insomnia, it has been used to protect our cells from free-radical damage, combat jet lag, to boost our immune system, prevent cancer and to extend life. Melatonin has shown the most promise in short-term regulation of sleep patterns, including jet lag. Early animal studies in the mid-1960s revealed its ability to affect sexual function, skin color, and other mammalian functions. Melatonin is one of the hormones produced by the pineal gland in all vertebrates. In addition to being produced in vertebrates, melatonin is also found in plants, bacteria, unicellular eukaryote, and invertebrates. Normal melatonin secretion is suppressed by light and stimulated by periods of darkness. Nocturnal secretion of Melatonin is at its highest during childhood, and then decreases as we get older. Research has shown that Melatonin also functions as an important antioxidant, and is involved in the body’s immune response.

The synthetic versions have not been evaluated by the FDA for safety, effectiveness or purity, and all potential risks and/or advantages may not be fully known or understood. There are no regulations or manufacturing standards presently in place for the synthetic versions of the compound. The use of melatonin derived from animal pineal tissue may carry the risk of contamination or the means of transmitting viral material. The synthetic form of this medication does not carry the risk however. There is little or no evidence of any major toxicities with melatonin, even at high doses.

Possible adverse reactions might include depression, dizziness, enuresis, excessive daytime somnolence, headache, and nausea, and of course drowsiness if you drive after taking Melatonin. When given to animals, Melatonin caused some changes in blood pressure and affected fertility levels. Such effects in humans would be a medical risk for people with heart-related problems, hypertension and stroke, kidney disease and sleep apnea as well as for women of child-bearing age, so it is always wise to consult your physician prior to starting a routine intake of any herbal/health supplement such as synthetic Melatonin. Overall, research indicates improved sleep when Melatonin is taken at the appropriate time for jet lag and shift work, or to help speed up falling asleep. Appropriate dosage and any safety risks will become clearer with further research.

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Thermage body contouring is a revolutionary and fairly new procedure which will firm and shape the body with just one Thermage treatment and without surgery or injections with no downtime. The procedure also works with cellulite problems, and on all colors of skin. It is FDA approved and only certified and trained physicians can do these procedures. No Knives and no surgery, no fillers, all done fast and with little or no pain and in one session. Many satisfied patients are seeing results like: tightening/ lifting/firming of knees and buttocks, significant reduction of waistline area, thighs and arms, flatter and smoother skin on the tummy and legs.

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With summer over now and winter ahead of us, many are pondering how to get ourselves back into decent shape and vowing to start watching our diets more carefully and Body Thermage is a great way to start. Non invasive and FDA approved, Thermage Procedures are great for those unwanted wrinkles around the eyes and neck, the bulges on the tummy and legs, and even cellulite problems. No anesthetics, no knives, just great results. The Thermage Procedures are becoming more and more popular across the nation and its no wonder why. There is no down time and most people return to normal activities the same day or the day following their Thermage treatment. All procedures are done in a certified physicians office. Look in your yellow pages for a certified physician in your area.

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