While at my gym doing my daily, and almost un-noticeable daily-after-work workout routine, I could not help but notice how hard some of the guys worked at the equipment, with little positive results shown. I’ve belonged to this gym now for about 10 months and have made some friends and know where some of us started and have watched the progress on some and total lack of any positive results on others over this period. I cant help but think that many of these guys would be good patients for trying the ‘Thermage Stomach’ Procedure’ that is so popular now. ba_30_beforeba_30_after

The ‘Thermage Stomach Procedure’ is especially designed for those who are not real over-weight, but maybe just carrying some extra flab around the middle, or on the legs and arms. What’s really great is that there is little down time and your right back doing what you please fast and you will see the
positive results right away.

Before After
After the procedure, some patients report a noticeable smaller waist, looser fitting clothing and skin that feels firmer and tighter with improved tone.
You will notice smoother skin texture also. Many patients see noticeable reductions in deep wrinkles and healthier skin texture. After treatment, some patients that had been suffering from stretch-marks, say their stretch marks are less noticeable and much smoother. In general, patients with mild to moderate skin sagging experience some contouring and lifting almost immediately. Immediate results are visible and usually continue to improve for up to six months. The ‘Thermage Procedure’ is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from everyday activities. Unlike lasers, the procedure can be performed on patients of all skin colors. I’ve told several of my gym buddies about this great FDA approved procedure and many are trying it and liking the results. These procedures can only be performed by a certified physician in his office. Its safe, fast and you can see speedy results. And, there is no knives or surgery involved. What more can you ask for?

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There are several machines that are used to administer the carbon dioxide gas, but the basic components are the same. There is a tank of carbon dioxide gas that is connected by plastic tubing to a flow-regulator. The flow-regulator slows down the speed of the gas according to the rate selected by the physician. The gas emerges from the flow-regulator into sterile tubing that has a filter connected at the exit to remove any trace impurities before the gas is run through a tiny needle attached to the opposite side of the filter. The pure gas is now ready to be injected beneath the skin via the tiny needle.

What does carboxytherapy feel like?

Carboxytherapy doesn’t hurt; it just feels a little “weird.” Because of differences in the techniques used to treat the eyelids, stretch-marks, scars, and fat deposits, the sensation is slightly different depending upon what is actually being treated. I use numbing cream for all of my patients to diminish any discomfort associated with the pin-prick of the needle itself.

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What are some clinical uses for carboxytherapy?

Carboxytherapy is used for the treatment of dark under-eye circles, stretch-marks, cellulite reduction, and non-surgical fat sculpting on the face and the body.

What areas of the body can be treated with carboxytherapy?

Carboxytherapy can be used to treat the eyelids, face, neck, arms, stomach, buttocks, and legs.

What other benefits occur from carboxytherapy?

In addition to increasing oxygenated blood-flow to the region injected, carboxytherapy also increases collagen formation in the skin, giving it a more youthful appearance.

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We can’t deny that we are all aging, however, it is more noticeable in some people than others. Over the years our skin is exposed to the sun, toxic poisons, dust and pollen, and other pollutants. We experiment with cheap soaps, creams and oils and nothing in the long run really works. Well there is hope through the Thermage Procedures developed a few years ago. Thermage works on all types and colors of skin and is non invasive. NO SURGERY !

Thermage works on many areas of the body, including the face, neck, around the eyes, sagging skin on the tummy, knees, chin, arms, legs, hands, buttocks and that ugly sagging skin that appears right after pregnancy, cellulite problems, eyelid problems, etc.

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A great innovative treatment for dark eye cirlces, stretch marks, and even cellulite is growing in popularity called Carboxytherapy. This treatment consists of injecting very small amounts of carbon dioxide into the area around the eyes to be treated, causing the body to bring more oxygen to the area through the blood stream.



Oxygenating the area of treatment allows for improved healing by nourishing the skin, building and remodeling collagen and elastin in the area which ultimately smooths out the skin and even cellulite. The process leaves the skin tighter and firmer, brighter and smoother. The treatment process weakens and destroys fat cells and results in fewer fat cells. Talk to a local cosmetic dermatologist for a specific consultation regarding your particular conditions or to answer any question you may have. Give Carboxytherapy a try, it really works !!

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Carbon Dioxide Therapy [Carboxytherapy] refers to the administration of minute amounts of Carbon Dioxide gas just beneath the skin surface. It is a relatively painless, in office procedure that is completed in 5 minutes with no residual downtime.



The Doctor uses carboxytherapy to treat cellulite because it does not involve the injection of foreign substances into the skin. Carboxytherapy has been shown to destroy these subdermal fat cells, without harming the surrounding skin structures. Ccarboxytherapy shrinks “double chins,” to lessen the dreaded “back fat” that bulges along the bra-line, to treat fatty upper arms, and to treat cellulite on the legs.

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