No today there are many procedure that solve the problems of aging eyes . Just be sure and go to a reputable Doctor. Our Dr. Lisa Zdinak is a Ophthalmic plastic surgeon. She has advanced training in procedures involving the eyelids, the eyebrows, and their surrounding structures.

The following problems can be corrected by Dr. Zdinak

Upper eyelid and lower eyelid “bags” [Upper Eyelid 1. eyesBlepharoplasty/Transconjunctival Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty]

Drooping Eyelids [Ptosis Repair]2.eyes

Surgical Eyebrow Lift [Internal Browpexy]3-eyes-total-lids

Surgical Correction of Eyelid Shape [Lateral Canthopexy]4-eyes-blephupfema2

CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing of the Eyelids5-eyes

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Without the natural scarring process, a simple little wound could result in a significant loss of blood or even death depending on the size of the wound. The purpose of scarring and scars is to help close and protect wounds from additional damage. When you have a wound, your body quickly forms scar tissue to replace the damaged skin so that the wound will close and heal. After a period of time, the scar will heal and become less noticeable and may reduce in size. Since scar tissue is not identical to regular skin, the scar will be noticeable which is why so many people with scars search for a safe and effective treatment. The Ellman Surgitron 4.0 radiosurgical device is about the most advanced radiosurgical technology and is approved for operating room surgical procedures. Radiosurgery is more delicate and precise than laser surgery which can cause excessive tissue burns. Scarring is minimized or eliminated with radiosurgery because the skin is vaporized instead of cut. Dr. Zdinak uses a radiosurgical loop to shave the mole down layer by layer to the level of the surrounding skin. No suture is required. Your procedure can be performed at the time of your consultation visit. Dr. Zdinak, at Precision Aesthetics, has achieved superior results on a variety of skin tones using this advanced technology

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With summer over now and winter ahead of us, many are pondering how to get ourselves back into decent shape and vowing to start watching our diets more carefully and Body Thermage is a great way to start. Non invasive and FDA approved, Thermage Procedures are great for those unwanted wrinkles around the eyes and neck, the bulges on the tummy and legs, and even cellulite problems. No anesthetics, no knives, just great results. The Thermage Procedures are becoming more and more popular across the nation and its no wonder why. There is no down time and most people return to normal activities the same day or the day following their Thermage treatment. All procedures are done in a certified physicians office. Look in your yellow pages for a certified physician in your area.

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