Thermage vs VelaShape

Anatomy of the human skin with English languag...
Anatomy of the human skin with English language labels. Arabic language description translated by: Tarawneh (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Skin layers. 1: Epithelium (part of t...
English: Skin layers. 1: Epithelium (part of the epidermis), 2: cellular epidermis (stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale), 3: Dermis, 4: Subcutaneous tissue, subcutis Deutsch: Schichten der Haut. 1: Epithel (Ein Teil der Oberhaut, Epidermis), 2: Teil der Oberhaut, Epidermis, 3: Lederhaut, Dermis, 4: Unterhaut, Subcutis Svenska: Hudlager. 1: Epitel (del av överhuden, epidermis), 2: Del av överhuden, epidermis), 3: Läderhud, dermis, 4: Underhud, hypodermis, subcutis (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Thermage is the best treatment for the loose skin and laxity under the belly button. Here is the scientific reason.

First thermage is FDA approved for skin tightening, if you look at the FDA clearance on Velashape  is indicated for dermal heating, not skin tightening. Thermage is also a stronger machine, working at the highest Mg Hz on the market for a RF device. Thermage is monopolar, so it is able to work deeper into the skin to effect change, thereby penetrating at least 4.2 mm into the skin, while velashape at its max is 1.5mm. Since the Dermis, which is the main collagen structure of your skin is deeper than 1.5 mm it makes more sense to utilize the machine that treats the dermis.



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